Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Meet the Models: Betsy Tyson-Smith

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | July 30, 2016

Betsy Tyson-Smith, first diagnosed in 1990. Out of nowhere, with no family history, no bad habits and no genetic markers, I was diagnosed with BC at age 48. My experience of surgery and treatment was a lot different than it is these days. I went into Boston for surgery and radiation and it was a very difficult time. During radiation, every day for 7 weeks I sat in a waiting room filled with men, women and children with many different cancers. It was very bleak and stressful – down in the basement, no windows, no staff available. I felt so…

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Meet the Models: Mary Joyce Rose

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | July 30, 2016

Mary Joyce Rose, a survivor since 2012. When I was in my breast cancer support group (where I met 2 new friends and fellow models Kathleen Keeley and Jenn Sheehy Everett), we did an exercise where we described ourselves in six words. My phrase was “Breast cancer has made me stronger.” That has proven to be true in so many ways! I am enjoying the best time of my life!

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Meet the Models: Linda Phelan

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | July 30, 2016

Linda Phelan, a survivor since 2015. Linda’s 2017 Story: I am walking this year for the second time. As a two-year survivor I am very excited to share the runway with my two beautiful daughters.  The memories of the love and companionship during my battle are something I will always treasure.  I am lucky to have them in my life and I can’t wait to dance and laugh down the runway with them in October! Stephanie and Meagan (Linda’s daughters):  “We are walking this year in support of our amazing mother who defeated cancer and never lost her positive attitude…

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Meet the Models: Cori Liptak

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | July 30, 2016

Cori Liptak, a survivor since 2014. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in Runway last year and thrilled to be invited back to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Runway for Recovery. The experience of being with other women who have struggled with a breast cancer diagnosis or who have lost loved ones to breast cancer was extremely empowering for me. Prior to my experience with runway, I hadn’t really allowed myself to focus too much on what it meant to be diagnosed, treated, and surviving. As an employee of a major cancer center for over…

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Meet the Models: Erin Hollis

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | July 30, 2016

Erin Hollis, walking in memory of her mother, Kathleen Conley (2015) and in celebration of her friend Colette Hanna. Early last year, I signed up to participate in R4R to celebrate the completion of my mom’s treatment. Little did we know things would soon take an unexpected turn for the worse. Sadly, mom passed away in May and I walked to honor her memory in October. We just don’t know what life has in-store for any of us. Mom lived life with gratitude, vibrancy, love and exuberance. The best way I can think to honor her legacy, is to try…

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