Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Meet the Models: Meghan Morin

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 31, 2016

Meghan Morin, Survivor since 2015 The first time I walked in the Runway show was less than a year ago, I have since had more scans and continue to be in remission. As more time passes, I feel more confident that I beat this disease and will continue to be a survivor. It has been so special to be a part of the Runway community, meeting all the women and families last year filled me with so much hope and pride to be included and surrounded by such a strong force of support. Since being diagnosed, my view on life…

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Meet the Models: Stacy Lamson

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 31, 2016

Stacy Lamson, Walking in memory of her mother, Jean Lubrano (1998) I walked in 2012 with my sisters and we added “Runway” to the  extraordinary times of celebration of my Mom’s life and the things we do to remember her in big ways. It is August 1st as I write this and today our mother Jean passed away exactly 18 years ago. And though we have these big milestones and events that celebrate those we have lost and survivors we honor, I know, each of us, each day, remembers  in so many small ways too. For me It could be…

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Meet the Models: Edie Wilkie

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 31, 2016

Edie Wilkie, Survivor since 2012 Since my incredible walks on the runway in 2012 and 2013 and becoming a five year survivor this year, I have become very grateful, appreciative and humbled. I have gained awareness and concern for this disease and for the women and men it affects. Walking the runway is a way for me to give back to the community and offer help to the families who are in need of assistance. As a survivor,  it is important to me to offer guidance, comfort, and encouragement to the women I come in contact with who are traveling on this difficult journey.

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Meet the Models: Barbie Wolfenden

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 31, 2016

Barbie Wolfenden, Survivor since 2004, walking in memory of her daughter, Linda Wolfenden (2010) and her sister, Linda Cohen (2003) and to honor her niece, Emily Cohen  As devastating as it was to lose my younger sister and my only child to breast cancer (and to fight it back twice myself), I have learned that no matter what happens, the world keeps turning. I’m staying on it before it leaves me behind.

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Meet the Models: Lorraine Ward

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 31, 2016

Lorraine Ward, first diagnosed in 2007, currently in treatment Well, my cancer came roaring back after nine years in treatment, and it’s taken almost a year to find the right protocol to bring it back into control.  But despite planning end-of-life scenarios and my funeral while working hard with my medical team to find a way to slow it down or stop it, it has been an astonishing, blessed year.  First, I have two  more grandsons to join our beloved James Peter, 9 ½ ; a new cousin Jack (John Avery), who turned a year old yesterday (May 7) and…

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