We Tell Your Story
Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.
Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.
Kristin Ferrari, a survivor since 2012. For my 40th birthday year I got the call that changed me forever ….” you have breast cancer. ” I was diagnosed at 40, it rocked my world as well as my husband and 3 children’s world. I will be a four year survivor this October.
Read More »Maureen Delong, a survivor since 2012. How BC changed my life? It taught me a lot about perspective. I went from being the most sad and scared I have ever been to realizing that it wasn’t about me. I realized it was about doing everything possible to live for our 3 little girls and minimize the impact on their lives. I realized that I would rather it be me than them. I realized that there were people with far worse scenarios. And I realized how incredibly lucky I am to have the husband, family and friends that I do.
Read More »Crystal Davis, a survivor since 2008; celebrating mentor and breast cancer survivor Patricia Banacos; and remembering Sharon Powell My name is Crystal Davis and I will be 8 yrs cancer free. I am very excited for my first Runway for Recovery! I am sending two photos not sure which you prefer. I just celebrated 49+1 years old and my mantra was “Celebrating Life”. My oncologist said “I am not sure why you are still here.” But I believe my role is to be a support to others battling breast cancer.
Read More »Deb Cohen, a two-time survivor since 2004 & 2011 I walked in the Runway show last year for the first time. What an incredible experience to be with other women who have gone through the same thing as me! I am a two time cancer survivor. Both times I had to go through the treatment I was a young mom.The Runway was the first time I met so many other women who had similar experiences to me and could relate to the challenges I went through. Walking down the runway with my now two older daughters was incredible. To see…
Read More »Kristina Coccoluto, walking in honor of her mom, Kim Bramante, a survivor since 1996 and Aunt, Nancy Fullerton, a survivor since 1996, and in memory of her aunt, Kathy Audette (2005). Our story is multi-layered. My mom was diagnosed 20 years ago. Both of her sisters were also diagnosed and we ultimately lost my aunt Katie. However, I tested for the BRCA1 genetic mutiation. I just completed a prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction this past February. Being BRCA positive has had many challenges, but this year I had to take action after finding a lump in my breast. I thankfully did not have cancer, but I…
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