Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Re-Imagining Runway for Recovery

By Olivia Achtmeyer Boger | March 1, 2019

For over a decade, I’ve found myself starting a statement with the phrase, “well if I ran Runway full-time…,” referring to plans and ideas that were aspirational for an organization that I began when I was 25-years-old as a “soul project.”

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Meet the Models: Penny Howell

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 6, 2018

Penny Howell, a Survivor since 2012 My name is Kathleen “Penny” Howell.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2012, underwent surgery and 32 radiation treatments, and have been in remission for 6 years.  I was very fortunate that it was caught in its early stages before it spread.  I am so thankful for the radiologist that didn’t like the look of the lump and talked me into having a biopsy to be better safe than sorry.  Never once did I believe it would be cancer, but when that phone call came much sooner than I expected, I knew…

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Meet the Models: Kelly Benson

By Caroline O'Donnell | July 30, 2018

Kelly Benson, currently in treatment Breast cancer. Not me – it’s not in my family. Everything changed on 1/28/18 when I found “the lump” in my armpit. On 2/2/18, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m a mom of twin boys who are now 8. I work full time. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. But now,  I’m cancer free. I had a mastectomy and 14 lymph nodes removed on 3/2/18. The surgery was a success! I was ready to start chemotherapy 2 weeks later, then got the best news of this journey – I didn’t need chemo!…

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Meet the Models: Pamela Buselli

By Caroline O'Donnell | July 23, 2018

Pamela Buselli My name is Pamela Breckenridge Buselli. I am an active flight attendant for Delta Airlines, married ,  and mother of one married son . I am deeply  honored to be part of this important program that recognizes the survivors of Breast Cancer disease and continues to work toward  a cure. My personal story began on my 60th birthday (September 12th)  three years ago  when I was diagnosed with early stage invasive breast cancer following a routine annual mammogram. Our family had previously prepared for a trip to  a small fishing village in Sicily to celebrate the birthday event…

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Meet the Models: Laura Pedro-Mucci

By Caroline O'Donnell | July 16, 2018

Laura Pedro Mucci Walking in celebration of her mother, a Survivor since 2005 My experience with Breast Cancer hasn’t been what it has to some of you. I’ve been lucky thus far, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t – doesn’t scare the crap out of me. My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 14 years ago and had her last chemo treatment 13 years ago this Halloween. She is healthy and thriving, thank god. I was 20 at the time and my younger sister was just 11. When you’re that young you immediately expect the worst and I couldn’t imagine…

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