Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Angelo’s Story

By Katy Hylton | July 1, 2023

Legacy Model and Funded Family

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Meet the Models: Alissa Christie, Love Local, Newburyport

By Caroline O'Donnell | June 26, 2023

Hi Everyone-  welcome to Love, Local on this beautiful evening. And thank you for supporting Runway for  recovery and such an amazing cause. 

My name is Alissa Christie, I live here in Newburyport, with my husband and two daughters. I’m here to tell the story about my beautiful mother, who was my best friend – and her 18 year battle with breast cancer that ultimately took her life 6 years ago.

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Meet the Models: Shauna Ryan Epstein, Love Local Newburyport Remarks

By Caroline O'Donnell | June 13, 2023

Hi. My name is Shauna and I joined the Runway community 2 years ago. I danced in honor of
my sister Carly Caswell who passed away from Breast Cancer in 2011.
My public speaking is equivalent to my dance moves so I will keep this short but I did want to
say a few words.

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Meet the Models, Nina Abelowitz,

By Caroline O'Donnell | June 11, 2023

I have to be totally honest, I never attend events like this.

No, it’s not because I don’t believe in them, or don’t have the time, it’s because I’ve dedicated my entire career to cancer care and I feel I’ve given a ton back to the community that way. And I have.

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Meet the Models: Rebecca Muse-Orlinoff, Love Local, Concord

By Caroline O'Donnell | June 5, 2023

My name is Rebecca Muse-Orlinoff; I am a Concord native; I moved back almost two years ago with my
husband Justin and two kids, Levi and Zara who are in first grade and kindergarten at Alcott. We love it
here – the great schools, wonderful people and community – and it’s sort of a comfort to know that the
level of cell phone service is about the same as when I last lived here. In the nineteen hundreds.

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