Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Meet the Models, New England: Madeleine Halle

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 9, 2023

At just 26 years old, Madeline was catapulted into the breast cancer world with ““the total unknown of what breast cancer looks like or how it would impact my life.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Alison Sherman

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 5, 2023

Alison Sherman comes from a family impacted by breast cancer. In fact, of all her family members diagnosed with the disease, there is no other survivor.

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Meet the Models, New England: Kimberly Daly

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 4, 2023

“I didn’t want to spend all of my time being sad and mad. I had to know there was going to be an end where I could be ok.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Jillian Black

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 3, 2023

Her appreciation for the support she received is why she is passionate about partaking in Runway this year: “You need that support and not everyone is lucky enough to have it. Runway provides the support I didn’t need, but know is absolutely crucial.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Jennifer Brock

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 2, 2023

For Jennifer Brock, her breast cancer diagnosis has led to a more grateful life. While that might seem like an oxymoron, prior to diagnosis, “I absolutely had more of a glass half empty mentality.” Since having cancer, she finds she looks at the glass half full.

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