Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Meet the Models, New England: Musu-Kulla Massaquoi

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 25, 2023

Musu-Kulla Massaquoi was a mom to two girls, ages 8 and 11 when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis came around the holidays and ever the incredible mother, she chose to keep the news from her family so as not to ruin the magic for her children. When she did tell family, the news was met with shock. The only girl with six brothers, the news hit them hardest because they “couldn’t really fight or protect me from this.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Kendall Smiley

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 25, 2023

Kendall Smiley credits her bucket list for saving her life. At 36 she entered a body building competition to check another goal off the list. She would go on to do much more than that, competing in multiple events and coming in first for most of them. On a strict eating and workout regiment, she was acutely aware of every aspect of her body. It’s why, when she felt a pea sized painful lump in her breast, she consulted her doctor right away.

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Meet the Models, New England: Heather Sandquist

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 24, 2023

One month before her scheduled mammogram, Heather Sandquist felt a lump. She figured she would hold off addressing it until her scheduled appointment, but a few weeks later, when the lump was bigger, she decided to see her PCP.

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Meet the Models, New England: Lisa Hanson

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 23, 2023

“It’s a tough thing to hear. I was alone with my dog at the time and I sent my husband a text to pull over so I could tell him. There was just silence. That was hard to take.”

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Meet the Models, New England: JoAnne Loretti

By Caroline O'Donnell | October 22, 2023

JoAnne Loretti was familiar with breast cancer after her mother’s battle in 1993. Even so, when her annual mammogram resulted in a call back, she “didn’t think much of it.” The follow up imaging revealed three masses and immediately JoAnne thought, “please don’t let it be in my lymph nodes.” Her prayers were answered when a mastectomy removed all of the cancer and no chemo or radiation was necessary.

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