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Meet the Models, NYC: Joanna Concepcion

Like most people during COVID, Joanna Concepcion delayed her mammogram nearly a year. Around Christmas of 2021, she would receive a call before she even arrived home for the test asking her to schedule a biopsy. Having just lost her sister-in-law, it felt like “one thing after another” when she received a breast cancer diagnosis. Immediately her mind went to her daughter, 12 at the time: “I didn’t think too much about myself, but I was scared not knowing if I was going to be here for her.”

Deciding to enter a trial during treatment, the chemo and surgery proved grueling, but Joanna worked throughout. Adopting the “look good, feel good” mentality, Joanna applied makeup and did her hair (before loss) even if she was at home in her pajamas. In addition, she worked throughout treatment noting she “didn’t want cancer to impact my business.”

Throughout it all, she had an amazing support system. Tearing up, she is quick to acknowledge her husband, parents and friends who stepped up to ensure she never attended an appointment alone. The entire experience reinforced that “tomorrow is not promised. Time and memories with loved ones is what truly matters.”

In March, Joanna received a clean bill of health, but she still suffers side effects, chiefly fatigue and body aches. It’s a constant reminder of the journey she has recently been on, but she is quick to note, “I want to be hopeful for others. There is life after cancer. The mind can be powerful and we can overthink, but I try my best to stay positive. I am here and I know other people start this journey and unfortunately are not here.”

You can catch Joanna’s The American Dream channel talking about all things breast cancer below:

The American Dream Episode 1- Joanna’s Premier:

Interview with Commissioner Edward Caban: