Meet the Models, New England: Gabriela Walsh

Gabriela Walsh had her annual mammogram in December 2022, which came back completely clear. It was only a few months later that she began to feel pain in one of her breasts and after an MRI and ultrasound, she received a breast cancer diagnosis: “who thinks they are getting breast cancer at 41? Now I know it’s more common, but it felt like such a shock because I was so healthy.” 

Gabriela proceeded with a double mastectomy, which revealed a second tumor not found on imaging, as well as traces in her lymph nodes. It meant a stage 3 diagnosis, which led to eight rounds of chemo, followed by radiation. A mom to a five and seven year old, she also worked throughout treatment, all of which “added stress.” For Gabriela, telling her children proved difficult, but she remains immensely grateful for the resources of MGH: “it was great because they helped provide the script on how to talk to kids about each stage.” 

Gabriela finished treatment and rang the bell in April 2024, but she has found it difficult to adjust to her “new normal” every since. She is quick to note that she remains determined to find the good from her journey: “As hard as it has been, this can’t just be it, there has to be some good that comes out of it.” Gabriela remains committed to finding the balance between doing everything possible to prevent recurrence, while not letting cancer dictate her life. Indeed, she is grateful for how the diagnosis forced her to slow down and feel less rushed with those most important to her: “I still struggle with fears, but I try to keep the positive, which is part of doing things like Runway and taking time for myself, which can be as small as a yoga class.”

For those newly diagnosed, Gabriela stresses finding a support system who can be there for you, but most importantly, to find the best medical team you can: “When I got diagnosed people were quick to use “standard treatment,” but you need to feel confident and comfortable with your team.”