Meet the Models, New England: Alison Olsen
“I want to let everyone know- GO! Go get your mammograms!”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Erika Hoffman
When COVID delayed her mammogram two years, she decided to take a friend up on a program he started where patients pay $400 for a “fast breast MRI.” The decision would save her life, as imaging picked up what she hoped was a calcification.
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Kerri Foley
“find those programs and find those people that can truly support you.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Gail Erdos
“I feel like laughter is the greatest medicine. Any chance to fill a room with humor, I will partake in. I was given the gift to still be here, so I want to be having fun all the time.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Kate Duffy
“after treatment I had a harder time than in treatment.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Gabriela Walsh
“Who thinks they are getting breast cancer at 41? Now I know it’s more common, but it felt like such a shock because I was so healthy.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Melanie Randall
“Take a deep breath, don’t feel rushed into treatment decisions. You do have time to think. Find your team and find your support.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Michelle Maloney
“Listen to your body. Advocate. If you aren’t comfortable with your doctor, seek other opinions. Always find people you can trust.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Elizabeth Dragone
“I like to find the fun stuff and keep the joy- it gives us all something to look forward to.”
Read MoreMeet the Models, New England: Sheelagh Cawley Knopf
“This is a community I never wanted to be a part of, but I am so grateful I am. I am not alone and that keeps me going.”
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