Meet the Models: Melissa Morrison

Melissa Morrison, Survivor since 2015 In February of 2014 my world was turned upside down. On February 21, 2014 to be exact, my daughter’s 8th birthday. Prior to that day,…

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Meet the Models: Kristen Collins

Kristen Collins, Survivor since 2016.  At 33 I married the love of my life… By 38 we had a beautiful house and beautiful, healty, amazing twins! Life was incredible &…

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Meet the Models: Kathleen Keeley

Kathleen Keeley, Survivor since 2012 From the moment I sat down in hair and makeup to the last hug of the night I felt surrounded by love. I’m incredibly thankful…

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Meet the Models: Stella Kakavouli

Stella Kakavouli, Survivor since 2009 It is amazing how such a sad and devastating thing, like a breast cancer experience, can be turned into a celebration of life and a…

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Meet the Models: Amy Field

Amy Field, Survivor first diagnosed in 2009   Runway has provided me…”us” – with a platform to share our stories in a safe, empowering, and beautiful way. Runway for Recovery exemplifies,…

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Meet the Models: Angel Santos Burres

Angel Santos Burres, Survivor since 2012 When I look at old pictures of myself, I sometimes think about what cancer took from me: innocence, a sense of immortality, faith in…

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Meet the Models: Susan Gally

Susan Gally, Survivor since 2015 I attended my first Runway for Recovery in 2011.  In 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I never dreamed it could be me, yet…

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Meet the Models: Elizabeth Silverman

Elizabeth Silverman, Survivor since 2013 We can’t choose what happens to us, but we can chose how we will react to it.”  Those were the words I told my kids…

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Meet the Models: Erin Leary

Erin Leary, Survivor since 2014 Getting a breast cancer diagnosis at age 28 was shocking to say the least. As a nurse, I thrive on caring for and supporting others during…

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Meet the Models: Meghan Morin

Meghan Morin, Survivor since 2015 The first time I walked in the Runway show was less than a year ago, I have since had more scans and continue to be…

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