Meet the Models, New England: Siobhan Donovan

“There will come a day when I am no here anymore and its important to me that when my children look back at me in photos/videos, they associate me with things that make them proud and through that they know me.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Deanna Potsis

“It makes you realize your life could be taken from you. I can either sit down and let this disease control me or I can find ways to become healthier and beat this. Doctors said I would be lucky if they could rid me of 50% of the cancer and that just ticked something off in me and I thought, bet.” 

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Meet the Models, New England: Karen Walsh

some days I think this is so much for my children. Should I tone it down so they can tolerate it better? I have decided to live very much out loud, so they can participate in the amazing connections and community and love they get to be a part of.” 

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