Our Blog

Learn more about our models and the members of our community that come together to impact local families.


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We Tell Your Story

Part of Runway's mission is to honor the legacies and stories of those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Our blog page is dedicated to helping us share those stories.


Learn more about the importance and impact of our blog by watching the following video.

Meet the Models, New England: Dish Woodard

By Caroline O'Donnell | September 15, 2023
Headshot of Dish Woodard.

After Dish Woodard received phone calls, from her mother and two sisters, that they had been diagnosed with breast cancer, she decided to take action. “It was horrible and selfishly, my thoughts were, oh my gosh, I’m next.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Justine Egan-Kunicki

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 30, 2023

The experience of cancer, she notes, makes one confront their own mortality, but in the same token “you also learn how strong you are. Despite the struggle, I have learned I am a strong person who can persist and continue to enjoy life.” Indeed, though she get the phrase of ‘new normal,’ Justine prefers to say she’s reframed her life now: “You find a way to make a new life.”

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Welcome, Kathryn Phillips!

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 29, 2023
Kathryn Phillips and Olivia Boger posing together at an event in 2022.

We are thrilled to announce Kathryn Phillips as our new Assistant Director of Programs.

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Meet the Models, New England: Catherine Hodges

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 28, 2023

“know every inch of your breast so you can increase your chance of finding something and, of course, get your mammograms.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Bethy Atkins

By Caroline O'Donnell | August 22, 2023

In August of 2020, Bethy Atkins began experiencing breast pain that did not subside after multiple menstrual cycles. She messaged her PCP immediately and unbeknownst to her, her doctor was a breast cancer survivor. She immediately brought Bethy in for an exam, where a clear lump was found: “it all happened really quickly.”

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