Meet the Models, New England: Julie Hagan
A year ago Julie Hagan went in for her annual check up. A few days later, doctors called asking her to come back in for a follow up mammogram. Though anxious, she was comforted when they said 90% of people called back in end up being fine. When her second mammogram led to an immediate ultrasound however, she knew something wasn’t right. A subsequent biopsy revealed breast cancer: “it was very shocking and surprising but I felt in my gut that something was going on. I told myself if it was, it was meant to be and I had to do something about it- bring awareness or something.”

On June 16th she had surgery and was able to recover for six weeks before starting 22 rounds of radiation. Throughout her entire experience, she was vocal about her journey, often posting on social media. She received many messages from women who scheduled mammograms instead of putting them off, a result Julie notes “made it all worth it.”
Julie’s entire journey serves as a reminder at the difference in experiences of cancer caught early in terms of treatment. Indeed, she says, “early detection is everything and that goes for more than breast cancer. Don’t skip your annual check ups.”

When asked to reflect on her breast cancer journey so far, she is quick to note why it’s so important for her to continue telling her story through her involvement in Runway: “I am a lucky one. I had a great diagnosis and supportive family and friends. Not everyone is that lucky and I feel there are so many people out there who need the support of others to help them through the hard times. I can’t imagine not making it through and what would happen to my family. I think it’s important we support those families who have to face that reality.”