Meet the Models, New England: Gail Erdos

Gail Erdos was 43 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. A divorced mom of three (ages 7, 11 and 13 at the time), she would go on to have a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and 33 rounds of radiation. Throughout it all, Gail had an incredible support system. From her ex husband who took the children on the weeks she had chemo (“I didn’t want them to see me sick. I thought that would be too hard for them”), to friends who stopped by with arts and crafts, Gail notes how much her community “helped me and helped keep my mind off treatment.” 

Her friends, including best friend Peggy (diagnosed the following year herself), continuously brought different art activities. From beading to mosaic work to painting, Gail found that crafts allowed everyone to get involved in a fun way. Once on the other side of treatment, Gail began to process what had just happened: “it all happened so fast and you’re so in it that you don’t really think about it all until after treatment.” What she did know for sure was the power of art. 

By 2010 she and Peggy launched Our Space, a non profit dedicated to connection and healing through art. Affiliated with ten hospitals now, it services children of all illnesses and Gail lights up when talking about its impact. She notes, “the beauty of art is that everyone’s an artist. Crafts allow everyone to get involved in a fun way. Families are focused on something that they can control vs. the inability to control cancer or illness.” Indeed, Gail reflects on how powerful it has been to see families connect about their children, or to see a child express their emotions through art, when they otherwise cannot verbalize.

Gail’s motivation to give back to the community is obvious, but she is especially proud of the laughter you will find in every arts and crafts room. For her, beating cancer has meant taking advantage of every fun opportunity, including dancing down a runway: “I feel like laughter is the greatest medicine. Any chance to fill a room with humor, I will partake in. I was given the gift to still be here, so I want to be having fun all the time.”