Erica Tremblay: Dell Technologies, APEX Transformation Leader

Erica has been part of the leadership team at Dell Technologies for 16 years. She is currently the head of APEX Transformation, an organization that partners with senior executives to build new capabilities and drive the large-scale change needed to enable Dell’s APEX aaS / Cloud business. Erica’s career prior to Dell/EMC was in management consulting focused primarily on the technology and telecommunication sectors. She has her BA in Economics from Smith College and her MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Having helped close family members navigate cancer diagnoses—her mother who fought stage 2 breast and stage 4 ovarian cancer, her father with lung and brain cancer, and her cousin who is bravely facing metastatic breast cancer head on—Erica is thrilled to join Runway for Recovery and do her part to help drive forward its compelling mission and vision. In her personal time, Erica can be found skiing and mountain biking with her husband and son.