Meet the Models, New England: Jennifer Leventhal

When her sister Meredith Parkinson was diagnosed with breast cancer, “we were leveled” and completely shocked. Avid about her own mammograms, Jennifer received a clear mammogram in November 2021. In January however, she felt a lump and immediately called the doctor: “if Meredith had not been diagnosed, I don’t think I would have been as proactive. Otherwise, I would have just gone off my previous healthy mammogram and waited until the next year.” Even just the fact that she did a self exam is an ode to Meredith, as she had never been doing them previously.

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Meet the Models, New England: Jennifer Brock

For Jennifer Brock, her breast cancer diagnosis has led to a more grateful life. While that might seem like an oxymoron, prior to diagnosis, “I absolutely had more of a glass half empty mentality.” Since having cancer, she finds she looks at the glass half full.

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Meet the Models, New England: Julie Hagan

A year ago Julie Hagan went in for her annual check up. A few days later, doctors called asking her to come back in for a follow up mammogram. Though anxious, she was comforted when they said 90% of people called back in end up being fine. When her second mammogram led to an immediate ultrasound however, she knew something wasn’t right.

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Meet the Models, New England: Amy Kemeza

Just shy of turning 40, Amy Kemeza was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had felt a lump that continued to grow and a mammogram confirmed two large tumors in her lymph nodes. She went on to receive 20 weeks of chemotherapy and one round of immunotherapy. The treatment proved grueling and the side effects deeply challenging.

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