Meet the Models, New England: Lauren Davila

Lauren Davila had no family history of breast cancer and in fact, didn’t know anyone facing the disease. A mom to three children, she was prepping for her daughter’s birthday when she received news she had breast cancer. It came on the heels of pain in her left breast that prompted her OBGYN to request a mammogram and ultrasound on both breasts. Surprisingly, both breasts came back positive for DCIS. She would go on to have lumpectomies on both breasts, followed by radiation. 

Lauren chose not to tell her children, instead opting to let them know she was having two surgeries and phrasing radiation as “mommy getting rid of some bad cells.” It was her children, simply being children, that turned out to be the best distraction throughout treatment. She credits her husband for his massive support and her family, who helped take her to appointments. The community stepped up too, providing gift cards to eat out so she didn’t need to cook. Most special was the connection she made with Runway model Katie Smith, who is living with metastatic stage 4 breast cancer herself. Lauren notes how phenomenal Katie’s advice was and though she feels a level of guilt for how (relatively) quickly she was able to wrap up treatment, it was Katie who reminded her not to compare her journey to anyone else’s. 

Lauren finished treatment in December of 2023 and had her one year follow up this past July. It was a milestone worth celebrating and looking back she notes, “it has been a total mental, physical and emotional journey these past few months, but it really has made me step back and appreciate my family and all the people who have been there for me.”