Meet the Models, SoCal: Angelica Dobbs
Angelica Dobbs saw her mother pass away from breast cancer nearly 16 years ago. It’s why she was diligent about mammograms, one of which would save her life. In 2018, a mammogram revealed a tumor that she never felt. Her first thoughts were “how do I tell my kids? How do I tell my husband? There were lots of thoughts of uncertainty.”

Angelica would go on to have a bi-lateral mastectomy, but luckily, did not need chemo. She recently just finished five years of tamoxifen. The entire experience feels like a second chance at life: “I feel like it is my second birth. Every March I celebrate my cancer-versary. I feel like it’s a bigger deal than my birthday. It is another chance of life I was given.”
Having two daughters herself, Angelica was relieved when genetic testing came back negative for BRCA. Nonetheless, she works hard to ensure they control what they can saying, “we have changed our diets and are really active. I try to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy life, while not obsessing.”

To those newly diagnosed, Angelica says, “this journey has blessed me with so many breast friends. Everyone’s journey is different, but I am always saying it’s treatable and if they find it early, you can do this. One step at a time.”