Meet the Alumni Models: Jocelyn Lee

As a Zumba instructor, Jocelyn Godwin is well adjusted to performing in front of people. Nevertheless, she was terrified to strut down the runway at the Runway Show 2019: “I was scared sh**less” she laughingly exclaims. Today she is so grateful she worked up the courage, calling the event humbling, purposeful and up-lifting. In the end, she felt immeasurable honor to be apart of something so special and to inspire others to give to this cause.

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Meet the Alumni Models: My Doan

My Doan Survivor since 2010First year walking: 2010 Favorite Quote: “Nothing is OK. So it’s OK” & “This too shall pass.”  What’s getting her through this time: My saint of…

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Meet the Models: Sarah Gean

A mental health therapist and life coach, Sarah Gean is adept at delivering and working through difficult news. When it came to telling her own children about her breast cancer diagnosis however, Sarah was at a loss.

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Meet the Models: Robyn Stewart

“We do cancer well” Robyn Stewart says softly. It’s a poignant and well earned statement: Robyn is a three time cancer survivor and in the same breath classifies herself a warrior since 2006. It was in 2006 that Robyn received her first diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 33.

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Meet the Models: Meghan Sullivan

Meghan visited the Runway office in Newburyport on April 20th. Here’s what she had to say about her experience with breast cancer. I was diagnosed the day before my 36th…

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Meet the Models: Kelly Benson

Kelly visited Olivia’s Newburyport office in order to discuss her experience with breast cancer since her original post on July 30th of 2018. I was vacuuming, It was a Sunday,…

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Meet the Models: Jennie

No one in my family had breast cancer and I wasn’t checking myself regularly. I didn’t really know how to check myself. One night I was in bed and I…

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