Meet the Models: Hilda Parrott

At 66, Hilda is an incredible picture of health and style. Matched with her grace and confidence, one can’t help but be enamored with her. Her breast cancer journey is one of inspiration, proving that out of an unfortunate diagnosis can come incredible moments of life changing clarity.

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Why We Rally: Becky’s Story

I often think that I do not have a story. But, when asked to share, I took some time to reflect on my journey. I am not sure it is possible to put into words how I have felt since receiving my diagnosis: grateful, guilty, scared, strong, anxious, hopeful to name a few but most of all loved and supported. I am so very blessed to be surrounded by my family and the most incredible people.

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Meet the Models: Dorothy Burnham

It was May of 2018, and Dorothy was nursing her infant while her two-year-old was playing with toy trucks at her feet. Dorothy noticed a lumpy area in her left breast. Totally surrounded by all things baby, and having experienced lots of complications nursing her first child, Dorothy assumed the lumpy area had to do with blocked milk ducts, mastitis, or some other breastfeeding condition. 

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Meet the Models: Rebecca Melendez

While 2020 has been particularly difficult for many of us, Rebecca Melendez’s has been uniquely so. This year marked the tenth anniversary of her mother’s passing from breast cancer. That, combined with turning 35, “flicked a switch” within Rebecca that has set the course for much of her year. BRCA positive herself, Rebecca’s health reality consists of check ups (mammograms and MRI’s) every sixth months.

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Meet the Models: Sarah Gean

A mental health therapist and life coach, Sarah Gean is adept at delivering and working through difficult news. When it came to telling her own children about her breast cancer diagnosis however, Sarah was at a loss.

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Meet the Models: Kelly Cassier

Kelly Cassier is no stranger to medical isolation. She technically has been in some form of quarantine since 2017, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and began treatment. Her diagnosis was not a total surprise, as Kelly’s mother, sister, aunt and cousin are all breast cancer survivors. Kelly was only 20 years old when her mother received her diagnosis and at the time, genetic testing was of little prominence.

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Meet the Models: Robyn Stewart

“We do cancer well” Robyn Stewart says softly. It’s a poignant and well earned statement: Robyn is a three time cancer survivor and in the same breath classifies herself a warrior since 2006. It was in 2006 that Robyn received her first diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 33.

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