Meet the Models: Dorothy Burnham

It was May of 2018, and Dorothy was nursing her infant while her two-year-old was playing with toy trucks at her feet. Dorothy noticed a lumpy area in her left breast. Totally surrounded by all things baby, and having experienced lots of complications nursing her first child, Dorothy assumed the lumpy area had to do with blocked milk ducts, mastitis, or some other breastfeeding condition. 

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Dr. Jack Erban

After decades of treating women for breast cancer at New England Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Tufts Medical Center, Jack succumb to his own fight against cancer on September 2, 2020. We will forever hold him in our hearts and could not be more grateful for the life that he shared with all of us.

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6 ways to be a good friend to someone with breast cancer at any stage

While many people going through a major life challenge like a breast cancer diagnosis turn toward friends and family for support, being a good friend to someone going through treatment can be a challenging role to navigate. There are also those who will receive a terminal diagnosis, and their experience along with that of their friends can be quite difficult to navigate. We turned to one of Runway’s trusted social workers, Karen, to get her thoughts on how to anticipate some of the challenges and identify the most helpful ways to “show up” for someone that you love.

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The Runway Show in 2020

Earlier this week, I sent our models a special video message, and today, I emailed one out to our community of donors and supporters to let them know about our plans for The Runway Show this October. Simply stated, we are forgoing in-person events until we are sure that we can keep our community safe.

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I also know that I’ve survived some pretty bad loss, and I am ok. I know a lot of others who are similar. When you can accept what you can control and what you can’t, and when you can lean on others for support, you can get through a lot.

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