Meet the Models, NYC: Arlene Garcia

Arlene Garcia had just finished breast feeding when she felt a lump the size of a pea. At first she did not think much, but after watching a woman describe her symptoms on the Ellen DeGeneres show one day, Arlene decided to seek help. She went to the breast center where imagining revealed a lemon sized lump that had spread to her shoulder bones and back. The diagnosis was stage 3C and she went on to receive a bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, chemo and radiation. 


For three years she felt good, but in 2021 she began having intense nerve pain and headaches. She went to the ER where, despite asking for scans because of her cancer history, she was prescribed a muscle relaxant and discharged. A week later she returned and it was revealed the cancer had spread to her brain. It meant a stage 4, metastatic diagnosis. 

Though shocking, Arlene says the entire experience shifted the way she views herself and her life: “I learned to value myself more than anything. You put your family first always, but I have learned you have to take care of yourself first in order to take care of them.” With a 12 and 10 year old at home, Arlene is focused on being a present mother. That focus means she has sought support from local breast cancer groups and national groups like the Metavivors, who specifically support women with metastatic breast cancer. She hopes to be a voice, particularly because back home in the Philippines, breast cancer is not openly discussed: “in America we are outspoken about it. In Philippines, there is not much talk about cancer or breast cancer because culture considers it a curse.” 

In addition Arlene says, “It’s ok to ask for help. Sometimes it feels hard to ask, but there is an impact when other women help. You have to be specific with people how they can help you because they want to, they just don’t know how and don’t want to offend you.” 

She is most looking forward to growing her support network by joining the Runway family: “ I am excited to meet other women. This is the ugliest group, but the women inside of it are the true gems.”