Meet the Models, New England: Nicole Niccoli
Nicole Niccoli was 13 when her mom, Shellie, was first diagnosed with breast cancer. It came as a shock when hip pain led to a second, metastatic in 2020. Even more devastating was Nicole’s own diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma that same year. Her children, just 2, 4, and 6 at the time were not only facing the changing world amongst COVID, but both their mother and grandmother fighting cancer: “it was just a lot. It was really scary.”

Nicole, at 36 years old, started chemo and proceeded with a double mastectomy. COVID restrictions meant her husband couldn’t be present at any appointments or procedures. On top of that, Nicole felt like “I couldn’t complain because my mom was dealing with so much worse. It was really hard battling a disease your mom is also fighting. I felt very alone.”
Sadly, Nicole’s mother passed in January of 2022. It was a devastating blow, especially because Nicole “wanted to have hope, but you are watching your mom pass away from the disease.” As if not challenged enough, Nicole was re-diagnosed with metastatic cancer shortly after her mother’s passing. The disease it seemed, had truly taken over her life and she found herself living just for appointments and doctors visits.

Some time out from diagnosis now, Nicole is “at the point where I am still battling and have rounded this corner to stop living in fear and wake up everyday and forge forward.” Watching her mother pass from the disease has motivated her to gather as much knowledge as possible for her own daughters. Indeed, Nicole has entered a clinical trial aimed at figuring out more about her specific genetic link to the disease: “if this drug works for me, it could work for my girls.”

Nicole remains so grateful for the immense support of those who showed up for her when she needed it most. She laughs that of those you think will show up for you, it’s usually the most unexpected of humans who blow you away with support: “the people who showed up for me, I just really appreciate it.” All of the hardship of the past few years would be enough to break anyone, but Nicole remains positive saying, “before I wasn’t living, but now I am trying to truly live every day.”