Meet the Models, New England: Kate Duffy

To Kate Duffy, mammograms were like dentist appointments- just something you check off the list. She never worried much, particularly because she didn’t have any family history. Even when she felt a lump prior to her scheduled mammogram, Kate didn’t worry because of her dense breasts. Ultimately, a mammogram led to an MRI, which led to a biopsy. It was then she “began to panic.” Ultimately, it would reveal invasive ductal carcinoma in one breast. After seeking a second opinion at Dana Farber (a decision that would save her life), it was revealed she had breast cancer in both breasts. A double mastectomy became the obvious next step. 

Surgery revealed the breast cancer to be stage 3, but due to the nature of the tumor she did not need chemotherapy. Kate proceeded with radiation and aggressive medication following. Though grateful for her team and the outcome, Kate found post treatment life to be most difficult: “after treatment I had a harder time than in treatment. During treatment you are on this machine and you line up all your ducks and you’re in attack mode. As soon as it’s over, I was like oh? I have cancer. It was really hard emotionally. How do you take this experience and live afterwards? How do you not let the fear of recurrence run your life?” 

Those feelings led her to seek out resources like Healing Garden and particularly, the Soulmate program at Dana Farber. The program pairs women up who have had nearly similar diagnoses: “it’s been great to have other people and to talk to someone of similar diagnoses. It was so nice to hear from someone who had been through it and was ok 10 years later.” For Kate, that support has helped her find the balance between finding the meaning and lessons of this journey, while not letting cancer take over her life. 

The next step in her healing journey? Hitting the runway next week.