Meet the Models, New England: Amy Salguero
Amy Salguero was by her mother’s side when, at 80 years old, she received a breast cancer diagnosis in summer of 2023. It prompted her to push up her own mammogram out of caution. When her doctor randomly had an appointment two days later, she took it and checked screening off her list. She was nervous however, when the doctor called back asking for further testing. Shockingly, just month’s after her mother’s diagnosis, Amy received the news she too had breast cancer, with extreme DCIS in her left breast: “I was literally shocked. My mom was just getting through her surgery and treatment. Our breast cancers were completely different and required entirely different treatments.”

Ultimately, Amy decided on a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. Going flat was a fairly easy decision, as she wanted to eliminate a future with breast cancer. Further, she is an intense athlete, so implants held little importance to her. She felt fortunate with her outcome as she didn’t require more treatment, but she felt for her mom, who had to endure chemo, radiation and surgery: “I felt like I could never really fully support my mom because of my own diagnosis.”

In the end, Amy feels so grateful for the support of her husband who attended every single appointment with her. Further, he was “open to whatever decision I made as far as choosing to be flat. He just didn’t want me to have cancer.” It was his support that helped her stay positive. When she was feeling low he would set a timer for ten minutes to allow her to be sad, then motivate her to get up and start her day: “he literally set a timer and told me cancer doesn’t get to own you, so don’t give it that power.”
Perhaps most poetic in her journey is that Amy will hit our Boston runway exactly one year after beating cancer.