Meet the Models, SoCal: Shirley Yu

Shirley Yu’s breast cancer came as a massive surprise. She was adamant about receiving mammograms every two years and had previously been in the clear. She herself had witnessed her “niece” (though not technically related) Rachael Hsin pass away from the disease. Regular screenings gave her piece of mind, especially because she had already overcome uterine cancer.

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Meet the Models, SoCal: Laurie Ruiz

After a strange feeling under her armpit prompted a doctors appointment, Laurie Ruiz was sent for a mammogram and ultrasound, quickly followed by a needle biopsy. Her self-discovery paid off in that Laurie’s cancer was caught early- stage 1, estrogen positive breast cancer. She remembers her doctor saying, ““if you’re to get breast cancer, this is the best kind.”

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Meet the Models, SoCal: Tanja Cebula

While 2001 was an especially trying year for most Americans, Tanja Cebula had an added layer of hardship. Shortly after 9/11, on her twin boys’ 6th birthday, Tanja found out she had HER 2 positive estrogen receptor negative breast cancer. A mammogram at 40 revealed benign calcifications that were initially thought to be because of breast feeding, but a later ultrasound and biopsy would reveal cancer. She notes that she cancelled the appointment twice and feels grateful she finally showed up to her third reschedule. It would end up saving her life.

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Meet the Models, SoCal: Colleen Rivers

For Colleen Rivers, breast cancer has “impacted every aspect” of her life. When she was 15 years old, her mother, age 49 at the time, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The months preceding her diagnosis, Colleen’s mother had severe back pain, lung fluid and was short of breath. Calcifications in her breast, found through a mammogram, were not known to doctors at the time as precursors for breast cancer. She would go on to have 9 months of chemo: “In retrospect, I think we all knew she was going to die, but she did chemo for 9 months and we are talking like 1995 chemo, so she was really sick.” While her siblings were away at college, Colleen took on the primary role of helping her mother through the illness. While she notes that she “was so grateful I got to do that for her,” it meant Colleen witnessed her mother actively dying. Diagnosed in August of 1995, her mother passed the following May.

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Meet The Models, SoCal: Amy Westland

It’s a testament to Amy Westland’s character that when asked about her breast cancer experience she launches into how her journey could serve others. For nearly five minutes she recalls all the people she has connected with after they have been diagnosed. Noting all those who stepped up during her treatment, she hopes to help others by decreasing their fear and increasing their knowledge around what questions to ask and how to be best prepared for treatment.

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Meet the Models, SoCal: Aidan Morris

Aidan Morris knew she would get breast cancer. Despite being BRCA negative, she had a strong feeling for years that she would be diagnosed, so much so that she was paying out of pocket for mammograms since the age of 27. Though she did have family history- her aunt’s diagnosis at 75 and mom around 60- Aidan’s proactivity was based off her strong inkling. Her relentlessness would pay off, when at age 34, a mammogram revealed breast cancer.

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Meet the Models, SoCal: Ada Pham

Three years ago Ada Pham was in her elementary school classroom when she got a call from her doctor telling her she had breast cancer. Looking back, she laughs at the date: Friday, September 13, 2019. After a cyst on her right side prompted a mammogram, stage 0 breast cancer was found. The early stage meant she had time to consider her treatment options, but she endured countless tests and screenings in the weeks after diagnosis. Living in Hawaii at the time, Ada had to face those weeks alone because her family resides in California: “I had to face a lot of it on my own, which was hard.”

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Meet the Models: Kate Lepore

Kate Lepore was shocked to learn of her breast cancer diagnosis. She had no family history, but in years past she had dense tissue that had always later been cleared as normal by doctors. It’s why, when her mammogram came back abnormal six months ago, she assumed she would be cleared once again. While the news was profoundly life changing, the one positive was that Kate’s dedication to adhere to regular mammograms allowed her breast cancer to be caught early, which increases her chances of a great outcome. It was a small comfort during an otherwise arduous time.

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Meet the Models: Diane and Anastasia Hansen

Last year Diane and Anastasia lit up the runway. As a mother/daughter duo, the two represented what began at the core of Runway for Recovery- mothers and daughters. They will hit the runway again this year to honor all their family has gone through during Diane’s breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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