Meet the Models: Katie Smith

Katie Smith was enjoying all the facets of being a new mother to her boys, ages 2 and 5. In fact, she and her husband were trying for a third. Six months prior, given extensive family history of breast cancer, Katie received her first mammogram, at an earlier than typical age, and was all clear. She carried on with family life and being a science teacher to her middle schoolers. Her seemingly blissful family existence was soon shattered, first by a miscarriage and then a devastating diagnosis of stage four metastatic breast cancer. Katie has been fighting the disease for three years now.

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Meet the Models: Barbara Bigelow

Barbara Bigelow is a force in the world of breast cancer. Cancer has been apart of her life for twenty years. She was originally diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and entered treatment. What proved to be even more shocking was that in her first year of treatment, her two sisters were diagnosed with breast cancer. Sadly, one sister passed away of metastatic breast cancer.

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Meet the Models: Cassandra (Cassy) Villalta

Cassy Villalta beams with positivity. One would never know the journey she has been on in the past decade. At just 35, with a 3 and 5 year old at home, Cassy was diagnosed with grade 3 ductal carcinoma. She would go on to have a lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and immunotherapy. It was grueling schedule, but Cassy remained upbeat throughout: “as long as it was fixable, I kept a smile on my face.” Her main priority was her children and ensuring their lives were uninterrupted by her diagnosis. She remains steadfast in her motivation to have her children’s memories of growing up not be tainted with images of her sick.

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Meet the Models: Jillian Miller

“the world portrays breast cancer as THE cancer to get. Get a t-shirt, a ribbon and you’re good to go. So I was like alright, lets go, let’s do this thing.”

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Meet the Models: Alexis Klimchenko

. Her self advocation would turn out to be live saving- testing confirmed Alexis had invasive ductal carcinoma. Days later she would find out that spots on her liver meant she was stage four.

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Meet the Models: Hannah Earle

Hannah Earle is living with metastatic breast cancer. In 2016, as a 31-year old mother of 2 young children, Hannah was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Her children were just 4 and 18 months old; she was in the thick of her world as a mom when cancer came roaring into her life and altered it forever. However, Hannah was steadfast that her diagnosis would not gravely affect the childhood of her two boys. You’ll come to realize this is an ever-present theme woven into the fabric of Hannah’s story.

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Meet the Models: Marie Joyce Rose

Marie Joyce Rose, Survivor since 2016 I was first diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2012 at the age of 51, and then had a recurrence in my pelvic…

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Meet the Models: Erin Hackman

Erin Hackman, First diagnosed in 2011, currently in treatment  To all of you out there, I am a SURVIVOR…….and a mother, sister, daughter, friend, wife, one of you! I’m doing…

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