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Meet the Models, New England: Amy Burke

Even more impressive, she remained working as a teacher, worked out every single day, all on top of being a mom to a six and four year old: “I need to be as normal as possible and do as much as I can.” A college basketball player, her athlete’s mentality prepared her to “attack this, fight this and get through it.” Indeed, she drew inspiration from Peloton instructor Jess Sims’ famous quote, “line em up and knock em down.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Siobhan Donovan

“There will come a day when I am no here anymore and its important to me that when my children look back at me in photos/videos, they associate me with things that make them proud and through that they know me.”

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Meet the Models, New England: Deanna Potsis

“It makes you realize your life could be taken from you. I can either sit down and let this disease control me or I can find ways to become healthier and beat this. Doctors said I would be lucky if they could rid me of 50% of the cancer and that just ticked something off in me and I thought, bet.” 

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