Meet the Models, New England: Erika Hoffman

Originally from New Zealand, Erika Hoffman was in her 20’s, living in London, when she got news that her 55 year old mother had breast cancer. Thankfully after treatment, she has gone on to live two decades healthy, but Erika, a clinical pharmacist, was well aware the increased risk it put her at. She diligently got mammograms, starting at 40 and was aware that her dense breasts made imaging harder. 

When COVID delayed her mammogram two years, she decided to take a friend up on a program he started where patients pay $400 for a “fast breast MRI.” The decision would save her life, as imaging picked up what she hoped was a calcification. The result prompted a mammogram and ultrasound, both of which, scarily, didn’t show any abnormalities. It was a biopsy that confirmed Erika had stage 1a, grade 3 onco type, invasive ductal carcinoma. It was devastating. 

Erika however, approached treatment with as much positivity as possible, setting goals along the way. With a ski trip already planned, she was determined to have treatment completed and be healthy enough to attend. She would go on to have a version of a breast reduction, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Throughout it all, she continued her workout routine, attending CrossFit three times a week, adjusting based on how she felt. She also paid specific attention to building back strength in her chest. Cold capping throughout treatment allowed her to keep most of her hair, which helped maintain a semblance of normalcy. 

Today, Erika is far more worried about the side effects of her medications vs. a recurrence. Indeed, significant cardiovascular issues and weight gain from the medications plays on her mind in terms of long term effects on her body. To help soothe those fears, she has joined the survivorship program, which helps with things like nutritionists that are specific to those who have had breast cancer. In all, it has helped her on her post treatment journey and finding her new normal. 

What else has helped? Looking forward to rocking the runway to celebrate her strength and journey.